


外国经典 A Woman Named Smith

作者:Marie Conway Oemler 字数:9.6万字 25人评分


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When Sophy Smith inherits a house from her Great-Aunt Sophronisba Scarlett, there is one condition. She must live in it. If she tried to sell it or rent it, she would forfeit all rights to the entire estate. So with great trepidation, Sophy Smith, along with her dear friend, Alicia, moves from the busy New York life to the slow drawn out days of South Carolina. Despite hearing music when there was no musician and suggestions that the house was haunted, they were both determined to stay at the Hyndes House. But when the house servants find an old statue buried beneath a tree, the mysterious life of the old witchy Sophronisba Scarlett begins to unfold.



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