上篇 无敌腹黑

1 We Close at Ten

“Waitress,”shouted the impatient diner,“do I have to sit here and starve all night? ”

“No, sir, we close at ten o’clock.”




2 Burglars Broke into the House

Poet: Burglars broke into my house last night.

Friend: Yes? What happened?

Poet: They searched through every room, then left a $10 bill on my bureau.





3 A Polite Horse

John: Tom, how was the horse‐riding yesterday?

Tom: Not so bad. But my horse was too polite.

John: Too polite?

Tom: Yes. When we came to a fence, he let me go first.






4 Have the Money

“How did you plan your future?”

“I became the partner of a rich man. He had the money and I had the experience.”

“How did that help?”

“Now he has the experience and I have the money.”






5 The Man Is Looking for It

A little boy came home with a five‐dollar bill and said he found it.

“Are you sure it was lost?”asked his mother.

“Sure,I’m sure,”said the little boy,“I saw the man looking for it. ”





6 Egges

“How did you make your neighbor keep his hens in his own yard? ”

“One night I hid five eggs under a bush in my garden, and next day I let him see me gather them. I wasn’t bothered after that. ”




7 Kept Coming Back

At the insistence of a reporter, a wealthy man finally decided to reveal the secret of success.“I first became rich by selling homing pigeons. ”he explained.

“Really?”replied the amazed reporter,“How many did you start with?”

“Only one, ”the millionaire answered,“but he kept coming back.”





8 Good News and Bad News

An artist asked the gallery owner if anyone had shown interest in his paintings.

“I’ve got good news and bad news. ”he said,“The good news is that some guy inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after you died. When I told him it would, he bought all 12 of your paintings.”

“And the bad news?”

“The guy was your doctor.”






9 You Should Be Replaced

A famous film director entered a restaurant.

After the meal, the owner asked him for advice,“If I change some of my cooks and their dishes still can’t attract more customers, what shall I do?”

The director thought for a minute and replied,“In our film studio, if we continue to lose audience with the changes of some actors, the director will get replaced. ”





10 How to Get a Seat by the Fire

Mr.Jack came to an inn on a very cold day, and could get no room near the fire.

He called to the hostler to fetch a peck of oysters, and give them to his horse.

“Will your horse eat oysters?”said the hostler.

“Try him.”said Mr. Jack.

Immediately the people ran to see this wonder, and Mr. Jack who alone remained in the room, chose the best seat by the fire and made himself comfortable.







11 It Hurts

Carl’s mother ran into the bedroom when she heard him scream and found his three‐year older sister pulling his hair. She gently released the little girl’s grip and said comfortingly to Carl,“There, there. She doesn’t mean to hurt you. She doesn’t know that hurts. ”

She was barely out of the room when the little girl screamed. Rush in a back in, she asked,“What happened?”

“She knows now.”Carl replied.




12 Is He Really Ill

On a hot summer day an elderly gentleman faints in the street.A small crowd immediately gathers around him.

“Give the poor man a glass of whiskey. ”advises a woman.

“Give him a heart massage. ”says someone else.

“No, just give him some whiskey. ”insists the woman.“Call an ambulance. ”yells another person.

“A whiskey!”The man suddenly sits up and exclaims.“Shut up, everybody, and do as the kind lady says!”








13 Sharing on the Train

A Frenchman, an Englishman, an American, and a lawyer were sitting on a train.

The Frenchman offered everyone some of his baguette, then threw it out the window, saying,“Don’t worry, we have plenty of those where I come from.”

The Englishman offered everyone a Sandwich, then threw the rest out of the window, saying,“Don’t worry, we have plenty of those where I come from.”

Then the American threw the lawyer out of the window, saying...






14 Letter from A Fool

Mr. Anthony entered Plymouth Church one Sunday and found several letters awaiting him. He opened one and found it contained the single word“fool”.Quietly and with becoming seriousness he announced to the congregation the fact in these word:

“I have known many an instance of a man writing a letter and forgetting to sign his name, but this is the only instance I have ever known of a man signing his name and forgetting to write the letter. ”




15 To Bury the Goldfish

Little Cathy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky‐faced youngster was doing, he politely asked,“What are you up to there, Cathy?”

“My goldfish died,”replied Cathy tearfully, without looking up,“and I've just buried him. ”

The neighbor was concerned,“That’s an big hole for a goldfish, isn’t it?”

Cathy patted down the last heap of earth and then replied. “That’s because he’s inside your cat. ”






16 Perfect Project

My friend Debbie was enrolled in a flower‐arranging class. Although she enjoyed the course, Debbie was miffed when week after week the instructor criticized and redid her careful arrangements.

After the final lesson, though, Debbie came home triumphant. “The teacher didn’t lay a finger on my project tonight!”she announced to her husband.

“Congratulations!”her spouse replied,“It must have been perfect. ”

“It was,”Debbie said, smiling modestly,“I made it with thistles. ”






17 Two Hundred Times

In the traffic court of a large mid‐western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light. She explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes. A wild gleam came into the judge’s eye.“You are a school teacher, eh?”said he,“Madam, I shall realize my lifelong ambition. Sit down at that table and write‘I went through a red light’two hundred times. ”



18 Who on earth Lost

Jonathan likes gambling very much. Once he gambled with his boss, saying,“A mole is on your chest, if you don’t believe it. Let’s bet $500 on it. ”

The boss said seriously,“Give me your money. ”Saying that, he took off his clothes, as a matter of fact, nothing was on his chest. The boss got the money happily. He told one of his colleagues that he beat Jonathan in gambling.

His colleague got angry, saying,“Stop it. He gambled with me, he said he could make you take off your clothes in five minutes. And the price was $1000. ”



上司非常严肃地说:“把钱拿出来吧,你输了!”说着他脱下了衣服。他的身上真的什么也没有。上司得意地收了钱,然后他跟一位同事说他和乔纳森打赌赢了。同事非常丧气地说:“别提了,他刚才跟我打赌,他说他能在五分钟内让你脱下衣服,赌现金1 000块。”

19 The Eager Beaver

Bill was a new employee at the insurance office, but in a short time all his fellow workers began to complain about him.

“He’s an eager beaver.”protested one worker,“He does so much work that it makes all of us look bad.”

“What’s he trying to do?”wailed another employee,“Get a promotion?”

Three weeks later Bill was called into the office of the personnel manager.

“Bill, you’re a good worker, but I have had news for you.”

announced the manager,“We’ll have to lay you off.”

“Why? I don’t understand. I do more work than all the staff put together.”

“That’s the trouble.”

“The staff has nothing to worry about. I’m not going to take away their jobs.”

“I’m not worried about their jobs. I’m worried about mine.”











20 Two Soldiers

Two soldiers were in camp. The first one’s name was Cody, and the second one’s name was Dick.

Cody said,“Have you got a piece of paper and an envelope, Dick?”

Dick said,“Yes, I have. ”And he gave them to him.

Then Cody said,“Now I haven’t got a pen. ”

Dick gave him his, and Cody wrote his letter. Then he put it in the envelope and said,“Have you got a stamp, Dick?”Dick gave him one.

Then Dick got up and went to the door, so Cody said to him,“Are you going out?”

Dick said,“Yes, I am. ”And he opened the door.

Cody said,“Please put my letter in the box in the office, and...”He stopped.

“What do you want now?”Dick said to him.

Cody looked at the envelope of his letter and answered, “What’s your girlfriend’s address? ”












21 Fishing with a Mirror

A man saw a fisherman standing in a lake with a mirror.

“Excuse me, ”he said,“but could you tell me what you’re doing?”

“I’m fishing. ”

“With a mirror?”the man asked.

“Sure~it’s a new invention. I’m going to make a fortune. ”

“Could you tell me how it works?”

“Okay, but it’ll cost you ten dollars. ”

The man was so curious that he handed the fisherman the money.“Now show me how it works.”he said.

“Well, ”the fisherman began,“you aim the mirror into the water, and when a fish goes by, you startle him with rays of light reflected from the mirror. The fish gets confused and then you grab him. ”

The man was shocked,“You can’t mean to tell me that’s how you fish. It’s ridiculous! How many have you caught?”

“You’re the sixth today!”replied the fisherman.












无敌腹黑——英文笑话集 - 上篇 无敌腹黑







