


考试学习 O,Canada!(1867-2017·英文版)

作者:凯伦·史密斯 字数:17万字 出版社:天津人民出版社

价格:990阅饼 | 原价1199阅饼

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This book is written and published for celebrating the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation. For this 150 years old great country, it has many incredible stories to tell —— Read about the explorers who first came looking and the battles that were fought with the natives they met over land.Learn how the country was settled by the many immigrants, including the Chinese, who helped to grow it. Discover little known and interesting facts about Canada’s culture, sports and symbols. Find out what Canadians love about their country and who they consider to be their heroes.……The easy-to-read and fascinating stories in this book highlight a special moment from each of the 150 years that Canada has been a country. It’s quite readable for both native English speakers and ESL learners all over the world.






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