


外国经典 Napoleon the Little

作者:维克多·雨果 字数:9万字


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""The suffrages of the nation, and the oath I have just taken,command my future conduct. My duty is clearly marked. I willfulfill it as a man of honor. I shall regard as the enemies of thecountry all who seek to change, by illegal means, that which allFrance has established "" When he was done speaking, theConstituent Assembly rose, and with a single voice the exclamationshouted: "Long live the Republic " The small man descended from thetribune and went up to General Cavaignac, offering him his hand.The general, for a few instants, hesitated to accept the grasp. Allwho had just heard the words of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte,pronounced in a tone so imbued with good faith, blamed the generalfor his hesitation Victor Hugo (1802-85), son of one of thegenerals of Napoleon's armies, included among his vast literaryoutput the political portrait "Napolon le petit," first publishedin 1852.





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